Policy of the body for certification of management systems of LLC "TCC" YUGTEST "
The purpose of activity of the body for certification of management systems (OS) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "YUGTEST TEST-CERTIFICATION CENTER" is to provide all interested organizations and enterprises with the management of certification systems requirements of DSTU ISO 9001: 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015) and DSTU ISO 22000: 2007.
The policy of senior management in the field of quality is aimed at creating and constantly maintaining the authority of the certification body of the management systems of LLC "VSC" Pivdenest "as an organization that:
Maximum satisfies customer needs with perfect quality of assessment and certification of management systems
Ensures unconditional adherence to professional and ethical standards when performing work
She works hard to improve the quality of work and increase their efficiency
Seeks to achieve a leading position among Ukrainian affiliates and prove its ability to effectively interact with foreign partners
To achieve these goals, management and staff of the CB provide:
The proper functioning of the CB quality management system in accordance with the requirements of DSTU EN ISO / IEC 17021-1: 2015 and ISO / TS 22003: 2013
Preventive and corrective action to avoid dissatisfaction with the services provided by the CB
Proper functioning and improvement of the performance of the CB quality management system, taking into account the Policy and requirements of the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine
Cost optimization to ensure a high level of quality of work performed
Recruitment of CB by competent staff, which constantly improves their competence and professional level on quality issues, assessment and confirmation of conformity
Establishing effective interactions between the CB and customers, as well as other interested organizations
Constant review by the management of the CB quality management system in order to identify reserves for improving its efficiency and quality of work performed
Continuous communication to the staff of the CB policies and objectives in the field of quality
Ensuring financial stability of the operating system
Study and analysis of the world experience in the field of quality, assessment and confirmation of conformity
Temporarily acting of the Director of TCC “Yugtest” LLC,
the head of the certification body of management systems E.G. Kulik