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Permits of the State Inspection of Ukraine for equipment

TCC “Yugtest” LLC provides consulting services, preparation of documents, organization of work, as well as assistance in obtaining, by the employer, manufacturer or supplier of permits of the State Industrial Supervision of Ukraine for the operation (use) of industrial equipment of domestic production or imported into Ukraine.

In accordance with Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection" and the "Procedure for issuing permits for the weekend of robust and safe work for the operation (locking) of machines, mechanisms, and installation of industrial safety" approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 26, 2011 subject to changes to it, introduced by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of 10.10.2012 No. 927, for equipment of domestic or foreign production, which is subject to state supervision in the field of industrial safety and labor protection Gosgorpromnadzora Ukraine on the use or application.

The annexes to these resolutions list the machines, equipment and mechanisms of increased danger for the operation of which it is necessary to obtain permission of the State Industrial Inspection of Ukraine.


Permission to use and permission to operate the equipment are separate documents that, depending on the degree of danger, are issued either by the State Inspection of Ukraine or its territorial bodies. Application and obtaining permits ter. bodies are carried out in the manner prescribed by the Law of Ukraine “About the system in the sphere of state gifts” through the regional “Call centers” at the place of registration of the applicant company.

But before applying for the issuance of such permits, it is necessary to obtain a positive opinion from the expert technical center (ETC) or expert organization having the appropriate authority to comply with the requirements of labor protection and industrial safety legislation.

According to the Methodological Recommendations, approved by order of the State Holdings of Ukraine on April 14, 2004 No. 99, for the examination it is necessary to submit documents and provide the information necessary for the examination of the applicant enterprise, including the available licenses and permits for hazardous work, information on the professional qualifications of personnel, information on machines, mechanisms and technical means, permits the operation of imported equipment, work and job descriptions, instructions, protocols, orders, ND and other documents on labor protection.

In some cases, examination reports require the testing of samples. In particular, according to the “Guidelines on the procedure for admitting ... new samples of mining equipment ...” (order of Derzhokhoronpratsіd March 17, 2000, No. 36), it is necessary to have protocols for preliminary, acceptance and operational tests of samples.

Contact us


49000, Ukraine, Dnipro,
st. European, 7a, of. 14



Phone:  (+38 050) 486-22-92
               (+38 056) 744-30-14


Laboratory: (+38 067) 633-50-48


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