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Product certification

In modern business conditions, business owners must strictly monitor the compliance of manufactured goods with generally accepted standards and requirements. In order to provide the necessary conditions for production and the launch of a competitive product in the market, they are forced to introduce effective mechanisms for managing the quality of the goods. The greatest influence on these processes is exerted by such elements as standardization and certification of products in Ukraine.

Product standardization

Standardization is the development of a single set of rules with the aim of regulating the activities of enterprises related to a particular industry. Standardization defines the requirements for different structural elements of the goods:


The quality of the finished product used in the production of raw materials (materials, components, semi-finished products)


Improvement of aggregation, unification of products


Definition of standards and techniques in the development and production of high quality goods


Creation of a generally accepted coding system, classification of goods, types of production


Creation of a unified system of data on product quality, supervision of its compliance, test methods, deriving terminology, measuring parameters and symbols

Product certification

Product certification is a set of actions aimed at evaluating products in order to confirm their compliance with the required technical and quality standards. Certified products are more competitive due to the fact that consumers trust them more.

Certification of the quality level of the tested products is a key component of the quality control system and production management as a whole. Certification for sales on the Ukrainian market must pass all types of products - goods of light industry, engineering, food, metallurgy and other industries.

In Ukraine, a voluntary and “mandatory” conformity assessment of products is traditionally carried out. If a mandatory assessment of compliance with technical regulations with subsequent supervision of compliance with established standards is carried out only within the framework of the Technical Regulations of Ukraine, voluntary certification of product quality on a commercial basis can be carried out by any competent product certification center on the initiative of the entrepreneur himself.

According to legislatively established requirements, business entities have a number of obligations:

In the manner prescribed by law, within the specified deadlines, carry out certification of goods subject to mandatory certification of quality compliance


Provide production conditions necessary for the release of high-quality goods in accordance with the requirements indicated in the certificate


Carry out the sale of goods, services, works only if there is a document certifying their compliance with the requirements


Refuse to sell the product, the characteristics of which, as a result of the assessment, turned out to be inconsistent with the regulatory requirements, as well as after the certificate expires

Our services

The Center for Product Certification in the Dnieper, LLC “TCC YUGTEST” helps entrepreneurs to timely and accurately pass the procedure for assessing the conformity of goods produced in Ukraine, imported into the country. We provide a wide range of services in this area:


We provide services for obtaining a voluntary certificate of conformity for products


Creation of a generally accepted coding system, classification of goods, types of production


We provide services for issuing type examination certificates according to the Technical Regulations of Ukraine. Notification number UA TR 076


Creation of a unified system of data on product quality, supervision of its compliance, test methods, derivation of terminology, measurement parameters and symbols


We assess the quality characteristics of products and their compliance with established standards on a voluntary initiative of entrepreneurs


Definition of standards and techniques in the development and production of high quality goods

Contact us


49000, Ukraine, Dnipro,
st. European, 7a, of. 14



Phone:  (+38 050) 486-22-92
               (+38 056) 744-30-14


Laboratory: (+38 067) 633-50-48


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