Keywords: Перевірка функціональності міцності працездатності, Югтест, Україна
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Checking functionality, durability, performance

Strength test is carried out using various mechanical and technological methods. There are methods that use static (tensile, bending, torsion) and dynamic loading (hardness, toughness).

Strength is the property of materials to resist the destructive effect of internal stresses resulting from the influence of external forces.

TCC "Yugtest" conducts a test of the strength and performance of equipment and its parts in Dnepropetrovsk and other cities of Ukraine.

Basic test methods


Tensile tests are the most common among all mechanical research methods. They are used when creating new materials, calculating their characteristics and quality control. With the help of tests, the behavior of materials under loading is investigated, followed by their qualitative comparison according to stress diagrams, which reflect the difference in strength and ductility.


Bending and torsion

Bending tests are most often used to test products made from brittle materials. When testing materials with sufficient viscosity, it is possible to continue to apply the load beyond the yield strength without the risk of material destruction. Determination of bending strength is performed using three-point and four-point bending.



Hardness is the amount of resistance that a material exerts when a foreign body (harder) is introduced into it. Hardness tests are the most used method of mechanical research of materials. The methods for determining hardness differ in the shape of the indenter body (ball, pyramid, cone), its material (diamond, steel, alloys), and the level of applied load. Depending on the latter factor, macrohardness (high loads), microhardness (low loads) can be determined.

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